Improving Cultural Heritage Emergency Preparedness and Response

 Efforts by several organization have been successful in improving emergency preparedness and response for cultural heritage. The outcomes of these programs include, but are not limited to:

  • Assess and manage risks to cultural heritage in emergency situations
  • Explore the values associated with cultural heritage and the impact that disasters (natural and man-made) have on these values
  • Improve existing disaster plans at their organization or agency, or on behalf of other organizations or agencies
  • Take preventive actions to reduce disaster risk and improve response
  • Secure, salvage, and stabilize a variety of cultural materials
  • Train and manage a response team to implement effective actions during crises that affect cultural heritage
  • Communicate successfully with the various actors, including the media, involved in an emergency response
  • Identify relevant programs and services that can assist cultural heritage organizations in the event of a disaster
  • Understand how first aid for cultural heritage supports recovery in affected communities and how it fits into the federal National Planning Frameworks (The Smithsonian HEART Program, 2024) 


Mitigation & Preparedness Resources

  • AFR has selected resources for emergency planning and preparedness from Heritage Preservation’s resources page as well as from several other professional organizations to present its membership and the general public with up to date disaster planning information.